Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Our study of John has been so eye opening to me. The full court press our Pastors at HDC are employing is really taking its toll on me. Ive heard the accounts of the samaritan women at the well so many times in my life, but now i'm listening. I'm listening to Jesus saying stop relying on the Church to feed you, spiritually speaking of course. Jesus told the women that the time has come to worship and have a spiritual relationship with him, the truth! The women could only think of her religion and the fact the Jews claimed Jeusalem for themselves, so no samaritan could go to worship. So typical of us humans, blame someone else for our lack of spirituality. JESUS, I GET IT. I NEED TO WORSHIP YOU EVERY DAY, no matter how i feel, no matter who has said something to me, about me or whatever worldly problems I'm having, NOT JUST ON SUNDAYS.

1 comment:

Mindy Clark said...

That is so true. Doesn't life just make so much more sense when instead of doing things you have to do, you decide that everything you do is for Jesus. Your words have spoken to my heart! love you.