Monday, December 17, 2007


We are learning in the book of John why Jesus would perform the miracles he did. As humans we get so involved in what we want at the moment, that we tend to forget about furthering the kingdom. As I go through the day, I will use my job to further the kingdom. I'm not sure how I'll do that yet, but I'll let God show me the right time. As a real estate agent, I speak to many people, I think I'll answer my phone with Merry Christmas. Since Happy Holidays is politically correct, people will know I'm a Christian by this greeting. I wonder how I can further his kingdom, next week, after Christmas.

Its nice to drop off gifts, and bring presents for the needy, after all, 'tis the season. How will these things further his kingdom, we need follow up. In 2008 eight we should follow up with these folks we have helped during this Christmas season and ensure their hearts are with Jesus. We need to know if these folks will need help again next year.

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