Monday, December 17, 2007


We are learning in the book of John why Jesus would perform the miracles he did. As humans we get so involved in what we want at the moment, that we tend to forget about furthering the kingdom. As I go through the day, I will use my job to further the kingdom. I'm not sure how I'll do that yet, but I'll let God show me the right time. As a real estate agent, I speak to many people, I think I'll answer my phone with Merry Christmas. Since Happy Holidays is politically correct, people will know I'm a Christian by this greeting. I wonder how I can further his kingdom, next week, after Christmas.

Its nice to drop off gifts, and bring presents for the needy, after all, 'tis the season. How will these things further his kingdom, we need follow up. In 2008 eight we should follow up with these folks we have helped during this Christmas season and ensure their hearts are with Jesus. We need to know if these folks will need help again next year.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I watched the movie of the secret today and I really enjoyed how the makers of the film described how "the secret works". The film explained the use of positive energy in today's world to achieve all that you can imagine.

I couldn't help chuckling under my breath as the film makers scientifically explained the "truth". Yes they tried to hide the miracles of Jesus with scientific data and expert opinions from MD and NMD, DO's, philosophers, but.....they had known Christians in the film too that you could kind of tell that they just wanted to bust out and say Jesus knew "the secret", in fact Jesus is the secret, and always has been and always will be.

Our study of John at HDC and the message of Jesus is eerily similar to the message of of this film, in fact as I watched, things would be said that I had just studied in John. The film gives us practical ways to focus our "energy" or in my case the Holy Spirit, along with the truths to receive all you ask for. Yes this film did a good job of explaining the secret. Guess what Jesus is no secret. He is in the hearts of every christian on the planet, and the the real TRUTH, the real ANSWER to life's joy.

The film talked about the entire universe being energy, energy that is being transformed, then released, well guess what, the film explained scientifically a power far greater than we are and in everything and everywhere, always has been there and always will be, undeniable proof of God's existence. If you didn't believe in God before watching this film, you surely would by the end.

This film is a must see!


Our study of John has been so eye opening to me. The full court press our Pastors at HDC are employing is really taking its toll on me. Ive heard the accounts of the samaritan women at the well so many times in my life, but now i'm listening. I'm listening to Jesus saying stop relying on the Church to feed you, spiritually speaking of course. Jesus told the women that the time has come to worship and have a spiritual relationship with him, the truth! The women could only think of her religion and the fact the Jews claimed Jeusalem for themselves, so no samaritan could go to worship. So typical of us humans, blame someone else for our lack of spirituality. JESUS, I GET IT. I NEED TO WORSHIP YOU EVERY DAY, no matter how i feel, no matter who has said something to me, about me or whatever worldly problems I'm having, NOT JUST ON SUNDAYS.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Its funny how much I need my wife's support in the things in this world that I want to accomplish! I would not be the man I am today without Debs, love and support. Deb encourages me to live for Jesus, to take her to church and do things with our small group. She keeps my thinking straight and helps prioritize the many obligations that I have in my life. Keep praying for me Babe, the world is better place with you in it.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Our study of John, "The most spectacular show on earth!" is very perplexing to me, my head is so full of ways the Lord wants to change my thinking. I guess I have'nt listened for so long, now that I am listening, my mind is being jammed with data and information from our heavenly father. My mind is being filled with so many truths that I feel overwelmed with ideas and ways I should change, then I find myself wondering.............Can I do this GOD?
I have my Lord and savior, my family and my brothers, all giving to me by GOD!

Monday, December 3, 2007

God, which road do I take?

The "Fork in the Road", when you come to these in life, and they come everyday, the bible can help us with examples of how the great people in christian history handled many things. Jesus' words can really help, but for many small details, prayer and the holy spirit are what I rely on. My life has become so complex, that I need help keeping it straight. Our study at church on John is making my life even more complex. God is showing me so much in my own life that can be changed to SERVE every one in my OIKOS better. My prayer today is to be aware of God's direction for the smallest of daily decisions, Phoenix of Flagstaff, lord I'm listening!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Nehemiah Projekt

If Nehemiah can ask for help, then so can I, help us with our community, ask other churches, ask the homeless, ask the city, ask the retailors, ask the county, ask the ARNOLD, we have to ask to find out what we can do for people.
I'm asking, the 185th Armor Division is headed for Iraq again, this is our Apple Valley National Guard Unit, how can we help, I contacted the headquarters in Palmdale, and they have given me the number to their family readiness coordinator, no luck yet. But I'll keep asking. If anyone can help please contact me.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

2007 Men's Conference

I am:




Pastor Tom - inspired by the word and my own IN-ACTIONS!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

God is there!

How do we know God is there for us? I stumble through my christian walk, confident that I know Jesus as my personal savior, knowing beyond a shadow of doubt that I'm heaven bound.
Hmmmmmmmmm. Mighty presumptive for a man that can hardly make it through the day without committing some kind sin. I struggle with every word from my mouth, every thought in my mind if this is what Jesus would do or say. At times I don't have the "time" to think what would Jesus do and end up allowing that moment to pass, wondering who I may have affected.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

God has blessed my Family