Sunday, November 2, 2008

FOUR MONTHS SINCE MY LAST BLOG WOOOOOOWOWOWOOWOW! How time flies! Next weekend we are off to our church's anual Men's Conference. Man this year flew by. I wonder what Christ thinks of me at this moment? I've learned so much this year, about my life, the Word, my relationship with Christ, my wife, my family and life.

Before the Men's Conference last year, I felt as if I had spent forty years in the wilderness of life. Knowing I was a Christian, not really growing, getting by with my personal believes, some biblicle, some "marclicle", none really involving my relationship with Christ. What made the difference this year? What things are different now in my life or those around me?

I think I will start with what I've learned from the word.

1. Salvation can not be lost.

2. The moment a person receives Christ, a FULL portion of the Holy Spirit dwells in the new Christian's soul. The Holy Spirit is permanent, never will leave a Christian, and a Christian does not need more of the Holy Spirit, one just needs to listen.

3. The Holy Spirit speaks for Christ and should never be the center of attention or much less build a religion around the Holy Spirit. The focus should always be CHRIST.

4. Terms like "spirit filled", "speaking in toungues" or "heavenly language" are interpretations of the word that some Christians believe are praying in the Holy Spirit's language; Speaking in tougues is a spiritual gift that one can receive merely by asking God for the gift. But all Christians are "spirit filled" long before one ever asks for any of the spiritual gifts. Understand you can not receive any of the spiritual gifts until you become a christian and the holy spirit fills your soul. When you receive a gift you know it. And if Christians know it? I say lets let them believe it. Its not going to keep a Christian out of heaven. The bottom line is all Christians are spirit filled and there is no spirit in a church building or in a place or someone's home, but get a couple of Christians in a anywhere and its time to have church.

5. The overused term of "MAN'S FREE WILL" changes once man receives Christ. Before Christ the question is to become a believer or not. After receiving Salvation, the question of "MAN'S FREE WILL" becomes does one listen or not. Once a person receives Christ, that person is owned by God and there is nothing man can do to seperate oneself from Him.

6. Christians have a greater influence on their Oikos than they think. Christ is revealed through a Christian's relationships on a day to day basis

7. God's plan for all Christians is to: Love God, Love others, Follow God. This call never changes.

Finally I know that Sean, Myke, Jeremy, Jessie, and Ross are ALL IN!

1 comment:

Mindy Clark said...

Hey dad,

It HAS been a long time since you blogged! Thank you for sharing this one though... I liked it and it really made me stop and think. I love you dad. And I'm happy that we have the holy spirit living in us =)
