Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Sometimes I don't always recognize temptation til its too late, boy, I'm glad I'm a Christian! I know God is carrying me through these times. I am in his hands when the sin in me rises up from the very nature of my soul. I just need to listen. Time and time again I've been witness to the fact that Christ offers a way out of every temptation. I just need to listen.

The bible says that Christ' followers recognize his voice. That little voice that says DON'T DO IT! That is really Christ. It's not me! I've surrendered my life to Christ! If you're not a christian and you hear that voice you're just darn lucky we were all created in God's Image, made to be perfect, til the sin of Adam. Go ahead keep gambling with eternity.

So in those moments, when rationalization of sin creeps in, Christ is speaking to us, giving us direction, so recognize his voice. Christ says HIS sheep recognize his voice and listen to him.


1 comment:

Mindy Clark said...

Thank you Lord that I am one of yours! As we start to feel like we have it all together in life... God sure has his way of reminding us that he is the shepherd and in control! Great thoughts Dad. Glad to see you blogging again!