Sunday, January 13, 2008


Today people have a hard time believing the message of Christ. They accept that Jesus is the son of God, but they lack the experience, the personal experience! People don't think they need the hope that Jesus offers.

So when we talk about the body of Christ (the church body), we are the backbone, we are here, seeking Jesus, living salvation, studying the word, experiencing a personal relationship with Christ. So when the non-church goers and the unsaved need help, we are there, we are ready.

This is our mission! To be prepared when God brings us an extended mission. So if you feel we are not doing enough, that is satan and guilt. The mere fact that you are here, growing in his word, you are being prepared for your extended mission.

So lets pray as a group that God will bring us an extended mission, a mission that will put us face to face with non-believers. Lets be obedient and look where Christ is leading us as a group. Lets not look so much at what I can do by myself, but what we can do together. Lets pray in earnest as a group that we can be prepared for what Christ needs done and lets take the step of faith, whether we think we are prepared or not, to accept a MISSION FROM GOD!


Bernadette said...

Hey Marc!

Amen and Amen! I believe that we all need to work together as the body of Christ and use the unique gifts and talents that He has given to us individually. We are called to go out and share Christ with others. We should never be afraid of the unknown or get wrapped up in the fact that we may not "know enough." It is God that will do the work through the power of the Holy Spirit! Our job is to be in our word daily! To be actively growing with Him and seeking Him. He will change us from the inside out!

God has a plan and He chooses to use us to display His abundant provision and love. The reason why is still a humble mystery to me but all that I can think of its because he can take the "foolish things of this world to confound the wise." lol =)

It's too easy for us to be wise in our own eyes. We must be sober minded not putting ourselves over others.

Thank you for posting this!!! I am on board!

<>< 1 CRON 4:10
Prayer Warrior Princess

Mindy Clark said...

I am encouraged every time I read your Blogs. God is good and he has gifted you with some amazing talents! After all the years of you saying this to me, I am excited to say it to you, "Dad, You make me proud!" love you.