Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Love when the Holy Spirit speaks to me!

I laid in bed last night pleading with God to speak to me and this is what He said: So you know when people say "Ohhh ya only pray when you need something or when you're desperate." Well think about this! Do you really think God worries so much about why you pray to Him, or do you think just the fact you are praying to Him is important? I will step out on the limb and say that God loves a "good recession" or a "bad economy" or just desperate people crying their hearts out to the Lord Almighty, in the name of Jesus. I think there are times when the Lord's prayer is appropriate, not so much word for word, but for content. I would think that God is so overjoyed by the way the world is breaking the hearts of His children, we are crying out in desperation to our Father. We are taking pay cuts, getting laid off our jobs, losing our homes, seeing our savings dwindle. All of these things that are not supposed to matter to us so much, but the truth is they do. I am learning to realize that God is really the one in control and not the world around me. God has really shown me the last few years, how prayer has changed my Christian life. In my hour of need I've prayed in desperation, and wondered how I made it through my walk with Christ without really realizing how prayer can truly change the world around me. I understand now that God has protected me and my family, kept me moving in the right direction while He patiently waited to hear from me in my hour of need, knowing full well when that time will come. And has God ever blessed me and my family since I've realized the true power of prayer. I see how prayer has changed me and the world around me, the Holy Spirit is saying to me now, you know that desperation you felt, you know that passion you've had, you know how you've accepted guidance? Now....GET THAT FOR SOMEONE NOT IN YOUR FAMILY BUT IN MINE! AMEN!

Monday, January 12, 2009



Check this out!

So as far as religion vs relationship. It seems that men who started a religion or a church were inspired by God. Then the people followed. People are easily led by an inspired individual. The need to want what someone else has seems to out weigh the need to think for oneself, like it saves time and study, so all that needs to happen is to question “does it sounds right?” My wife says that we should listen to the teachings of our pastors, but their teachings should be taken to the Lord in prayer, to better understand how the Holy Spirit wants to apply the teachings to our lives. It’s up to us to listen!

Back to religion, while people who start the religion are inspired to think and do in a certain manner, a certain set of rules, a certain set of beliefs. While a church founders’ motives may be pure, the people who follow tend to do so just to be a part, and tend to get their eyes off the intended motives and more on following the rules and beliefs of the church. We do things backwards it seems, we tend to check out a church, then buy in to the rules and beliefs of that particular church and accept it as the truth. Whereas in retrospect, we should have gained our rules and beliefs through a relationship with Christ, then go a find a group of believers or a church that has common beliefs. I know I have bought into the teachings of High Desert Church and its been a life changing experience. I’ve yet to buy into everything taught, but I keep taking things to the Lord, establishing a better relationship, so maybe its really not so backwards.

But how can this be accomplished alone with out the guidance of the church? Although I would never limit the power of God, I tried it alone, not quite, but just me and God, I tried to make sense of things on my own, without the help from a group of believers or mentors that could guide me. And what a mess that turned out to be. The Bible gives example after example of how we need to be there for each other, surely God knew that we need Christ and the brotherly love of the church or group of believers to make sense of all this. We can not do this on our own. I wonder where I belong now?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

FOUR MONTHS SINCE MY LAST BLOG WOOOOOOWOWOWOOWOW! How time flies! Next weekend we are off to our church's anual Men's Conference. Man this year flew by. I wonder what Christ thinks of me at this moment? I've learned so much this year, about my life, the Word, my relationship with Christ, my wife, my family and life.

Before the Men's Conference last year, I felt as if I had spent forty years in the wilderness of life. Knowing I was a Christian, not really growing, getting by with my personal believes, some biblicle, some "marclicle", none really involving my relationship with Christ. What made the difference this year? What things are different now in my life or those around me?

I think I will start with what I've learned from the word.

1. Salvation can not be lost.

2. The moment a person receives Christ, a FULL portion of the Holy Spirit dwells in the new Christian's soul. The Holy Spirit is permanent, never will leave a Christian, and a Christian does not need more of the Holy Spirit, one just needs to listen.

3. The Holy Spirit speaks for Christ and should never be the center of attention or much less build a religion around the Holy Spirit. The focus should always be CHRIST.

4. Terms like "spirit filled", "speaking in toungues" or "heavenly language" are interpretations of the word that some Christians believe are praying in the Holy Spirit's language; Speaking in tougues is a spiritual gift that one can receive merely by asking God for the gift. But all Christians are "spirit filled" long before one ever asks for any of the spiritual gifts. Understand you can not receive any of the spiritual gifts until you become a christian and the holy spirit fills your soul. When you receive a gift you know it. And if Christians know it? I say lets let them believe it. Its not going to keep a Christian out of heaven. The bottom line is all Christians are spirit filled and there is no spirit in a church building or in a place or someone's home, but get a couple of Christians in a anywhere and its time to have church.

5. The overused term of "MAN'S FREE WILL" changes once man receives Christ. Before Christ the question is to become a believer or not. After receiving Salvation, the question of "MAN'S FREE WILL" becomes does one listen or not. Once a person receives Christ, that person is owned by God and there is nothing man can do to seperate oneself from Him.

6. Christians have a greater influence on their Oikos than they think. Christ is revealed through a Christian's relationships on a day to day basis

7. God's plan for all Christians is to: Love God, Love others, Follow God. This call never changes.

Finally I know that Sean, Myke, Jeremy, Jessie, and Ross are ALL IN!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I BELIEVE..........

I believe that all mankind are sinners and that we need Christ for forgiveness and redemption. How wonderful that I live in a county that allows me to believe in God in a way I want to believe! I give thanks to GOD, my country the USA, and my fellow AMERICANS that have made this FREEDOM possible. I pray for OUR CHILDREN who are fighting the war on terror, and I hope everyone of them will return home safe and sound.

Monday, June 2, 2008

How can God allow this?

The Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11! ManTalk has peaked my interest in this subject. It is true that God is the creator of all things, so one can conclude that God allowed this to happen or God did nothing to stop these terrible deeds. The truth in the matter is that God has tried for ages to keep the world's evil away from his followers, God uses His people to try to bring sense to all this kaos. Its so easy to blame GOD! This is the very evil that GOD has been putting up with for 1000's of years.

The political sense, we as a nation were asleep at the the wheel, especially 9/11. We saw what happened in OKC bombing and 9/11 still occurred. This is the evil God rejects. God is leading us now on a campaign to keep the fight out of this nation. Yes I did say God and not President Bush, President Bush is only a servant to our Lord and he's been chosen to protect God's people from senseless violence on the innocent.

The common sense, no one has attacked us since, thank you God, our prayers are being answered. And I thank every son and daughter of this great nation that is protecting the ones I love at this very moment.

The religious sense, thank GOD president Bush is a Christian! This is a Christian Nation, no matter how hard we try to separate the church and state, or maybe better put the people who run our nation, the majority are Christians.

God is not a co-conspirator with the evil that man does as a point of fact (just read His Word) and certainly not in these two events! As always, God was able to rally this nation in the aftermath of these catastophies. More and more people came to God and asked why, and people were saved, and people, GOD's people mourned for those we have never even met, and Christ brought comfort. As Christians now its our job to bear "much fruit". We must keep raising Christian Children, we must support our Missionaries, we must support those who protect us and above all we must pray.